The new statin pills are the first-line treatment for high cholesterol but have side effects.
Different news websites are filling up with the debate on the new drug called statin that has come on the market. It has become the best treatment to deal with cholesterol. However, the fact is that many people cannot afford the pills, and some have complained about the side effects that come with them.
In a recent study, Nexletol, an alternative cholesterol-lowering drug, showed less risk of a heart attack. It also can control other cardiovascular issues among people. Many consider it a fine option for those with statin side effects but are still hesitant.
Doctors have even prescribed bempedoic acid to be used with a statin. It can help lower cholesterol, along with other potential risks. The study made on Nexletol shows that if it is taken without the blend of Statin, it can lessen the cholesterol risk and other health issues.
The expert’s opinions on statin
Dr. Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic, who is the study’s principal investigator, emphasized that statins are still “the cornerstone of cholesterol-lowering treatment. But those who are unable to use these tried-and-true drugs “are patients in great need.
Know more about statin pills:
Statin pills are a class of prescription medications to lower high cholesterol in the blood. They work by inhibiting an enzyme in the liver involved in cholesterol synthesis, which can reduce the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the bloodstream. Statin is commonly used to help prevent heart disease and stroke in individuals with high cholesterol levels.
Heart attacks and strokes can result from having excess LDL or “bad” cholesterol because it can block arteries. The cornerstones for decreasing LDL cholesterol and preventing or treating heart disease are statin medications like Lipitor and Crestor or their affordable generic alternatives. They function by preventing a portion of the liver’s production of cholesterol.
Can the alternative be a reliable answer?
Many people have complained about muscle pain after taking Statin. There is no clarity about the occurrence; however, estimates suggest that 15% of people are eligible to take pills. However, they still avoid them due to the side effects. Besides, there are limited choices due to the cost-friendly cholesterol-lowering shots and other pills like Zetia.
The recent alternative called Nexletol can block cholesterol production in the liver. It works differently than Statin and doesn’t have many side effects.
Those on nexletol had a 13% lower chance of developing several cardiac issues. According to the researchers’ analysis of those various illnesses, the effect was a 23% lower chance of a heart attack. Moreover, the drug decreased artery-clearing activities by 19%. The death rates were the same, which researchers failed to explain but an investigation is currently going.
This data was presented at an American College of Cardiology meeting, where the information was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The maker of Nexletol, Esperion Therapeutics, funded this study. Dr. John H. Alexander from Duke University believes that the results are amazing. People who cannot afford statins can think of this option.
With this news website circulated, people with high cholesterol have a ray of hope for finding a reliable alternative to statins.