What Should I Take After a Dianabol Cycle?

For those who are reading this article, I am assuming that you have probably completed the Dianabol or Dbol cycle, and now you are searching for the after a process of the Dbol cycle that you should perform! Right!? Here we will discover important points that help you to find your questions answer.
Dianabol is a potent anabolic steroid that is used for bulking purposes. Dianabol provides significant muscle mass gain in a very short period. It is one of the most favored anabolic steroids; that’s why Dianabol for bodybuilding is widely popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world. It is necessary to take Dianabol correctly with protection, and you should follow its cycle duration because it provides more effective results.
A High dose and long-term use of Dianabol may cause various negative side effects. So, always avoid it. To maintain your hard-earned gain and to save yourself from the various side effects of Dianabol, it is important to perform post-cycle therapy after the Dianabol cycle.
The Best Recommended Dianabol Cycle
Dianabol has strong anabolic and androgenic effects, and its solo cycle also provides effective results in terms of bodybuilding. Due to its high potency, females should avoid this steroid intake. Male users can consume Dbol based on their experience levels. Here is the most common Dbol cycle that users can consume based on their experience levels:
→ Dbol Cycle for Beginner Users:
Week | Dianabol | Samarin 140 |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 3 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 4 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 5 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 6 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
→ Dbol Cycle for Intermediate Users:
Week | Dianabol | Samarin 140 |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 2 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 3 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 4 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 5 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 6 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
→ Dbol Cycle For Advanced Users
Week | Dianabol | Samarin 140 |
Week 1 | 30 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 2 | 40 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 3 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 4 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 5 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 6 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 7 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Week 8 | 50 mg per day | 2 tabs per day |
Note: Dbol is a liver toxic steroid, so it is important to use Samarin (liver protection) to reduce liver strain.
What Should I Take After the Dianabol Cycle?
You need to perform many different factors after the Dbol cycle. For example, Proper dieting and training workout sessions always help you to get desirable results during and after the Dianabol cycle. However, most of these factors depend on individual goals.
When people consume Dianabol, it may suppress the natural production of testosterone in the body. We can also say Dbol usage may cause hormonal imbalance in the body, which causes various negative side effects. So, it is necessary and always advisable for Dbol users to perform post-cycle therapy after every Dbol cycle.
Post-cycle therapy or PCT is a protocol that helps to start the reproduction of testosterone levels in the body. A good PCT cycle helps users to boost testosterone levels and bring the user’s body to its normal state as it was before. Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG are three different drugs that are used to perform the PCT cycle after every anabolic steroids cycle.
PCT cycles improve users’ overall health and also maintain their hard-earned gains. The main objective of performing PCT is to save users from various anabolic steroids’ side effects.
When Should I Start Post-Cycle Therapy afterthe Dbol Cycle?
Users can start their Dbol PCT cycle after 24 hours of the last administrator Dbol dosage. The best option to start the PCT cycle is for users to wait for Dianabol to leave their system completely. So, they need to wait for at least 24 hours after the last dose of Dbol. The ideal PCT drugs are taken for 21 days or three-week cycles.
The first week of the PCT cycle is referred to as the washout period. During this period, the user’s body begins flushing out excess estrogen and testosterone levels that were produced during the Dianabol cycle. During this time, people might experience mild side effects such as headaches, lethargy, and appetite lack, etc. However, this process always varies from individual or person to person.
What Is The Best PCT Protocol For Dianabol?
The best Dianabol PCT protocol depends on individual goals during the PCT cycle. Selective estrogen receptors modulator (SERM) is the best solution to restore your hormonal imbalance to normal as fast as possible. The SERM drugs include Nolvadex and Clomid. When users don’t have any ambitions in this direction, they can use Human growth hormone (HGH) to accomplish.
What Else Do You Need To Do After the Dbol Cycle?
Apart from the PCT cycle, there are other things that you should do after the Dianabol cycle. For example, eating proper nutrition. When it comes to bulking up or building bigger and stronger muscle mass, people should take proper nutrition and perform workout sessions.
Along with them, it is necessary to choose the right other drugs such as Deca Durabolin, Testosterone, Trenbolone, and other bulking anabolic steroids. Remember, the correct Dbol dosage and the right stacks of Dianabol will help you to get desirable results.
Always avoid Dbol high doses and long-term use of Dianabol because it may cause various unwanted side effects such as gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, liver strain, and many more. Many people also perform the HGH cycle after the Dbol cycle because it may provide various benefits such as increased muscle mass, reduced body fats, higher strength, and improved overall performance.
When To Take Dianabol?
Generally, the best time to take Dianabol is at night. Many people consume Dbol before their workout sessions. To get bigger muscle mass, Dianabol gives more effective results when you consume it at night before going to bed. The whole process provides effective results through sleeping without any physical activity and food intake, and it won’t cause any disturbance as well.
It is easy to find Dianabol for sale from all over the internet. Ensure that you’re purchasing the original and high-quality product because many websites sell legal alternative and fake Dbol products that give zero outcome results. So, always buy Dianabol steroids from the top reputable website or eCommerce stores.
Dianabol is widely popular because it provides maximum effects in terms of bodybuilding. When you consume this steroid correctly with the right stack, you’ll get amazing results. Note that high dose and long-term use of Dbol may cause various side effects. There are various factors that you should follow to get more effective results from the Dbol cycle, such as:
- Follow recommended dosage
- Cycle duration
- The right stack of Dbol based on the user’s goals
- Use liver protection (Samarin)
- Perform the PCT cycle after the Dbol cycle
- Take proper diet
- Proper training workout session
Dianabol cycles vary according to individual goals. To achieve your goals, you can also get free Dbol cycle advice from coaching experts (https://wikistero.com/contact-us/).