Iqaluit Dental Clinic Looks at Top Signs That You Are an Excellent Candidate for Veneers

According to Iqaluit Dental Clinic, dental veneers are amazing since they help restore your smile and make it look the most natural compared to other procedures. Even your family members would have a hard time differentiating between your real teeth and those that have thin porcelain shells at the front. Let’s look at the top signs that help identify an excellent candidate for veneers.
The Signs
1. Interest in permanent dental solution –
If you’re looking for quick and temporary fixes that help to hide stained or damaged teeth, dental veneers aren’t for you. Dental veneers are quite permanent since some of the enamel layers on your actual teeth need to be shaved off to make room for the dentures. When you lose enamel, it can’t be restored and once dentures are fixed on your teeth, they may last up to a decade or two. That’s why dental veneers are not going to be suitable for you if you aren’t looking for a permanent fix.
2. Stained or discoloured teeth –
Over-the-counter whitening treatments like whitening toothpaste, gels and strips may not work for a lot of patients. Those patients are the perfect candidate for dental veneers. Whitening gels, strips and other such whitening products may be able to make moderately discoloured teeth whiter for a short while. However, they won’t have any impact on severely discoloured teeth.
Moreover, certain whitening products contain chemicals that may be abrasive to your teeth and wear down the enamel layer over prolonged use. When enough of the enamel layer is eroded, your teeth become highly sensitive, and the risks of cavities increase exponentially. If you’re someone who doesn’t like the negative effects of teeth whitening products or fails to get your teeth brighter after using them, veneers are your best option.
3. Chipped or broken teeth –
Broken or chipped teeth have a big impact on your life. They can negatively affect your self-confidence and make you more self-conscious in public. People with chipped or broken teeth tend to be very careful about smiling or speaking naturally in public. If you have chipped or broken teeth, you are an excellent candidate for dental veneers. Veneers can effectively hide imperfections and give you back your bright and confident smile.
4. People with good oral hygiene –
People with relatively healthy teeth and gums make good dental veneer candidates. If you think that you’re off the hook and can ignore your dental hygiene after getting veneers, you’re very wrong. You still need to brush twice a day, floss and get your teeth cleaned at the dentists during annual checkups to maintain your teeth and veneers in the right condition.
Iqaluit Dental Clinic suggests that you check for the above-mentioned signs and figure out if you’re the right candidate for dental veneers. Dental veneers are great at changing the size, appearance and shape of your teeth. They give you a quick and effective way to achieve a brighter and more aesthetic smile.