Tips for Getting Your Child Moving

Children are far less active today than they were a couple of decades ago. According to an article on NPR, it takes kids 90 seconds longer to run a mile than it did 30 years ago. And as per Progressive Sports, the child considered to be the most unfit twenty years ago, would today be among the top five fittest in a primary school class.
The world in which we now live has a lot to do with why kids are not as fit as they once were. We all know that technological advances have led to children spending more time indoors. They prefer to socialize with their friends via the internet rather than actually going outside to play.
Parents must also take some responsibility. The fear that something will happen to their child when they are outside has led to many preferring to keep their kids safe inside. Many would argue that the world is far less safe than it was twenty years ago, but it is far more likely that the internet has just allowed us to become more aware of what it was always like.
How to Make Your Child More Active
As a parent, you need to balance your child’s health with their safety, and it is understandable that you would want to keep your child at home knowing what we do about the risks of being outside. The good news is that there are a number of ways to achieve this.
For example, you could find some enjoyable activities that you and your child could do together, such as cycling. If you are buying a bike for you and your child, the experts at Woom recommend lightweight bikes because these are easier to transport and easier to control. Cycling is a great family activity, and you can even take your bikes on vacation to allow you to explore.
Getting your child to be more active does not necessarily mean she has to be sent outside to play. If you are really concerned for your child’s safety, there are other ways to encourage her to be more active. For example, encourage the child to get involved in a local sports or dance club. You could even buy a trampoline for the back yard. That way, your child could enjoy daily exercise and you will have peace of mind because you can keep an eye on her.
If your child is reluctant to take part in sports or activities and does not want to go outside, it could be that staying inside is more fun. If your child prefers to spend hours on social media apps or playing video games, it may be worthwhile introducing some rules regarding screen time. Be prepared to be met with some resistance, especially in the beginning. However, by limiting the amount of time your child spends in front of a screen, you may eventually see an increased interest in doing other things.
The Benefit of Exercise for Children
When children are active they are healthier, both physically and mentally. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health and development and helps kids to learn necessary social skills. It will improve their cognitive functioning as well, helping them to do well in school.
Although children in general are less active than their parents were, you can get your child moving by limiting screen time and encouraging her to get involved in a variety of sports or other activities. Lead by example and get moving with your child. Consider going for cycles or outdoor walks together and make it fun.